?一泵多用可输送不同粘度的介质; ?泵的安装位置可以任意倾斜; ?体积小,重量轻,噪音低,结构简单方便维修; ?输送平稳,无脉冲,无剪切,可以保证被输送物料的完整性。 单螺杆泵的应用领域: ●在环保及能源领域的应用:单螺杆泵被广泛应用于新能源领域,如生物沼气,天阳能,风能,固体废弃物处理等,在生物沼气领域用于输送沼液,沼渣,植物秸秆和动物粪便的混合物,经分离处理的餐厨垃圾; ●在食品及领域的应用:在现代社会中,食品加工中的要求日益严格,要求材料通过FDA,BGVV,PL认证,对卫士要求严格的流程和输送含有固体颗粒的敏感介质,要求满足3A标准的要求,过流部分不留死角,方便清洗。
B、流体粘度对工况的影响The effect of B and fluid viscosity on the working condition随着流体粘度的增加,由于产生较高的压降使泵的排量下降。As the viscosity of the fluid increases, the displacement of the pump decreases as a result of high pressure drop.C、泵磨损影响Effect of C and pump wear螺杆泵的工作转速通常为40至500r/min,为减少由于磨损而带来的维修工作量,应当随流体的磨蚀性增加而降低泵的转速。研究表明,泵的磨损与流体流速成正比,但是低的转速对井下泵的使用寿命又产生不利的影响。The working speed of the screw pump is usually 40 to 500r/min. In order to reduce the maintenance workload caused by wear, the speed of the pump should be reduced with the increase of the abrasive wear of the fluid. The study shows that the wear of the pump is proportional to the flow velocity of the fluid, but the low speed of the pump has a negative effect on the life of the downhole pump.
If you ignore the steam pressure, fluid dynamic friction loss and wellbore liquid pump suction, open an open chamber the maximum production pressure difference is 0.1Mpa, as long as the pressure drop between the inlet and the chamber to form a chamber is less than the pressure difference,螺杆泵连轴杆, the wellbore fluid will be filled with the chamber, then screw pump can achieve the displacement perturbation theory.当流体压力降到蒸汽压力以下,则出现气蚀现象。如果一部分敞开的腔室被流体的蒸汽所充满,当腔室封闭、转子施加正压力后,蒸汽则凝析,会使泵出现脉动和噪音。因此,为使泵能达到其理论排量和正常运转,要求流体压力大于其蒸汽压力,并且吸入压降小于